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Greenland Health

Is Social Anxiety Disorder Just An Excuse?

The majority of people become nervous around certain social circumstances. When you are asked to present some important papers in a classroom or address a social gathering, you will become nervous. But this nervousness is a temporary phase. Once you are up to it, you forget your fear and anxiety and go about with your task.

But there is a certain group of people who are so nervous that they altogether avoid social situations. The fear or anxiety that they experience is so intense that it starts affecting their day-to-day life. Such people are said to be suffering from Social Anxiety Disorder.

What Is Social Anxiety Disorder?

Social Anxiety Disorder is a mental condition in which the person experiences severe anxiety and fear in social situations. Even everyday social interaction can cause anxiety, embarrassment, and fear. Such people become self-conscious in front of others. They become highly alert about being the center of attention.

What Are The Symptoms Of Social Anxiety Disorder?

❖ Rapid heartbeat and inability to catch the breath.

❖ Lightheadedness and dizziness.

❖ Trouble in stomach including diarrhoea.

Social Anxiety Disorder may appear immediately before an event or start weeks before the actual event. Once the event is over, you will spend a lot of time thinking about how you acted.

Is Social Anxiety Disorder Just An Excuse?

No, Social Anxiety Disorder is not an excuse. However, the exact reason behind this mental condition is not known. It is believed that genetics play a key role in developing this condition. If any of your close family members suffer from this condition, you might have inherited their genes.

Another reason could be an overactive Amygdala, a part of the brain that causes the “fight or flight” response.

Normally, Social Anxiety Disorder develops when a child enters the teen. If the child is generally shy and faces bullying or teasing from others, he is more likely to develop Social Anxiety Disorder as he grows. Sometimes, certain health conditions might make the person appear or sound different than usual. In such situations also the person becomes socially anxious.

How Is Social Anxiety Disorder Treated?

➢ Psychotherapy: Talking with a mental health professional helps figure out the root cause of the panic attack. Through counseling and role-play, you can overcome social anxiety.

➢ Medication: Low levels of serotonin in the body can cause anxiety. If the doctor suspects this to be the case, he might prescribe Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or other anti-depressant medication depending on your condition.

➢ Lifestyle changes: Make exercise a part of your life as it helps to produce the feel-good hormone endorphin. Similarly, yoga and meditation help to calm your mind. Also, avoid products containing caffeine as it can trigger a panic attack. As much as possible, try to interact with others instead of staying aloof.

The Bottom Line

It is quite natural for a person to feel nervous before a social gathering, especially when they are the center of attraction. But if this nervousness starts interfering with your day-to-day life, you should seek help without delay. Apart from medical help, home remedies like exercise and deep breathing can help overcome this situation.

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